I wish they would list # 8 :
8) Finding out the Watchtower Corporation is a blood sucking Mind Control cult and having to sit through meetings 3 or 4 a week full of corporation self serving bull shit to keep all your friends.
i know i already created a post about this a week or so ago, but i have a little more to add to it.
i was watching it again and taking some notes this time.
the speaker lists these reasons for people having anxieties:.
I wish they would list # 8 :
8) Finding out the Watchtower Corporation is a blood sucking Mind Control cult and having to sit through meetings 3 or 4 a week full of corporation self serving bull shit to keep all your friends.
let face it the watchtower's reputation is in the crapper which only increases chances for it to be sued for all kinds of things, societies awareness of emotional harm has greatly increased over the last couple of decades.
this makes the wt corporation legal system of secret kangaroo courts where they can summon it's members to a tribunal made up of brainwashed lackeys suffering from serious psychological disorders due to years or indoctrination designed by its leaders who also have serious issues with compartmentalization.. i think all the evidence is there on the internet just how sick these members of the governing body are, their denial of facts, their extremism it's all on the net.
think lawsuit are on the rise for these guys if not some prison time.. denmark for sure and i'm sure many other countries in the future will make it easier and easier to collect damages till their money runs completely out..
How about someone who goes to a lawyer and finds out all the right things to do to when summoned to a JW Kangaroo Court Session to be tried by a heavily biased bunch of assholes who allow no legal representation present and forbid any recording devises. I'm sure there are a whole bunch of things they are in violation of in the basic human rights guaranteed by what ever particular government one is under.
I'm sure some body see's the poetic justice in such a move and the tremendous potential this type of legally getting ready to sue the pants of these bastards. I don't think religion is so sacrosanct anymore, and many are getting called out on their very bad behavior while hiding behind the bible said this or that so we can do this or that.
today 14/05/2019 i hear that doris day has passed away.. at 97 years old ?
what memories i have of her and her movies ,she was quite versatile in whatever role she took .. comedy , musical ,drama ,over decades ,and by all apparent reviews she was a lady with a lovely personality .. che sera ,sera .. smiddy3.
My earliest memory of Doris as a child:
is it me or does it seem simon isn’t around much lately?
i hope everything is ok. .
It's good to take a break, and hobbies are very good for the soul, I have several.
snippets of two talks by co at ca and during his visit to a congregation in ohio.
fear mongering at it's best.
has anyone else heard their co say the same nonsense?.
Technically it is just bunch of Planck Time lengths away but who's counting?
is it me or does it seem simon isn’t around much lately?
i hope everything is ok. .
You mean the pie man?
is it me or does it seem simon isn’t around much lately?
i hope everything is ok. .
Hey Simon I hope you know Minimus almost shit himself! a kind of melt in your hand M&M and not in your mouth switcheroo moment for him.
"when you set someone up as an authority, never forget that the belief that you have in this authority is just your opinion.".
from still the mind; an introduction to meditation